Stephen Shaw
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Tips For Choosing And Displaying Artwork In Your Apartment

When it comes to artwork, there are a huge number of different opinions. The plain and simple truth is that there is no "objectively" good artwork. It may seem there is, but this is mostly because of the way art galleries work to drive up the prices.

After all, if they can make people more excited about a specific artist, then they can get more money when they sell that artist's work.

Given that there's no objectively good art, there's really only one question. How do you choose, hang, and display artwork in your apartment? 

Artwork and Interior Design

There are two ways to decide on what artwork to procure. You can either get artwork that appeals to you for personal reasons, or you can get artwork that specifically matches your interior design choices.

Neither way is "more correct" than the other. Some people look at their apartment and think they need it to reflect their own personality. Other people just look at their apartments as places to live and don't need to think twice about it.

Buying artwork for personal reasons may be the easiest. You buy a piece because you like the way it looks. Or because a friend made it. Or because it reminds you of friends, family, or a happy memory. There are as many different reasons as there are people.

If you're buying artwork as part of your interior design choices, then learning about what styles went with what eras of history is going to be helpful. You don't want to decorate your apartment in a Neo-Victorian style and hang a picture that mimics an Elizabethan style!

Choosing The Right Display Area

Some choices are obvious. Don't put artwork that's meant for adults where children can see them. Don't put the more grotesque pieces of art in areas where they might cause undesired discomfort. These are common sense.

However, you'll also want to choose one "center-piece" for a room. This should be a larger piece of artwork, or a piece that's particularly attention grabbing. The best place for this is front and center. Many people choose to place it above the television, but if your room is set up with another more prominent area, then you may choose that spot.

Other pieces should compliment the center-piece. They shouldn't be as large or as attention grabbing, otherwise the aesthetics of the room become too "busy". It will begin to feel more crowded or just plain overwhelming. It's easier to place complimentary art if you're buying artwork as part of the interior design process. However, it's completely possible if you simply buy art you enjoy.

Lastly, try not to place too many different pieces too close together. This will result in crowding, and it never looks good.

The plain and simple truth is that you should hang and display artwork the way you want. But if you're looking for some basic design tips, these are those tips. It's not difficult to pull off. Just keep an eye on what you like!

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